clinical hypnotherapy session

Feeling Stuck? Clinical Hypnotherapy Can Help

Feeling Stuck? Clinical Hypnotherapy Can Help

Clinical Hypnotherapy functions as a tool to uncover subconscious blocks that hinder our progress in any area of life.

An example of a subconscious block is one who has difficulty losing weight because subconsciously, maintaining the weight serves as a form of protection.

Or one who keeps getting into the same cycle of meeting the ‘wrong’ person where the subconscious belief is, love to me is when I feel these intense highs and lows.

Through clinical hypnotherapy, we peel back the layers of the onion to uncover what’s holding us back from healing or progressing in life. Then with the newfound awareness, new ways of thinking, doing and being are instilled progressively.

The aim of hypnotherapy is not to fall asleep. Neither will you be under the control of the therapist. In fact, you will be fully engaged during the session through verbal communication yet in a deep relaxed state.

Our clinical hypnotherapy sessions are carried out using headphones and are spoken through a microphone with light music for an enhanced therapeutic effect. 

Curious about a session? Or know someone who could benefit? Contact Us to book your session or schedule your own appointment online!

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