How are you living your life?

How Are You Living Your Life?

How Are You Living Your Life?

A conscious life denotes living with awareness & mindfulness.

This can be:

1) Pausing while you eat to appreciate where your food comes from. Do you know where your food is grown? Who are the farmers? Are the animals treated humanely?

2) Being aware of your thoughts and how they are affecting your emotions and thus your resulting words or actions. Are you conscious of what ‘triggers’ you or do you react without knowing why?

3) When applied to relationships, being able to communicate openly and truthfully while acknowledging the other person’s needs and your own. Or do you shut down when things don’t proceed your way?

4) When life gets you down, do you stay present and dig a little deeper or do you resort to distractions and sweep things under the rug?

5) Thinking about where the other person is coming from before replying or placing judgement. Do you know their history and what they’re going through?

6) Thinking about what else the world needs. What does humanity need from you today?

These are just but a few examples of living a conscious life. How do you live your life consciously?

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In Health & Gratitude,

Dr. Zhi Oon, ND

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