Therapeutic Bodywork

How does Stress & Trauma impact the physical body?
Under normal circumstances, a stressful experience is appropriately processed and integrated by the nervous system. However, when a stressful experience overwhelms our coping mechanisms, the nervous system prioritizes survival over processing and integration of the event. This results in stored trauma which can manifest in a myriad of physical ways, chronic joint and muscle pain, fibromyalgia, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome and chronic fatigue.
Physical trauma causes scar tissue formation where adhesions form in the connective tissue. Emotional trauma and chronic stress holding can cause similar constrictive changes in the tissue. Constriction and adhesions function like glue causing layers of tissue to stick together when it should be free and mobile. This can not only lead to pain but also impacts proper functioning and healing of the rest of the body since connective tissue links the entire body together.
A combination of subconscious work using clinical hypnotherapy and therapeutic bodywork can target stored trauma at the physical and emotional levels. At our clinic, we use a combination of physical and energetic bodywork techniques including craniosacral therapy, trigger point release, acupuncture and cupping.