What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), an entire system of medical care in itself. In the West, we associate acupuncture with the treatment of pain. However, the treatment effects of acupuncture are much broader and far-reaching, covering conditions ranging from digestive problems and sleep issues to mood disorders.

Chinese medicine views health as a balance between any two opposing forces, termed yin and yang. An example is of the classification hot and cold which are opposing forces in this sense. As opposing as they might be, you cannot have one without the other. An excess or deficiency in either will eventually cause an imbalance in the body. Progression of this imbalance leads to disease formation. Through acupuncture, we aim to bring the body back into balance.
How can Acupuncture help me?
This is not an exhaustive list but are conditions commonly treated at the clinic.
- Chronic Pain
- Sport Injuries
- Digestive Issues
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Addictions; Cravings
- Headaches
- Menstrual Irregularities
- Painful Periods
- Seasonal Allergies